“And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the Lord was with him.” (1 Samuel 18:14)
It is easy to think of wisdom only in terms of words, but this verse reminds us that it should also be a matter of behavior. It is possible to come in contact wisdom and even incorporate it into our vocabulary, without allowing it to become translated into our lives. I’m not sure why this is. As it turns out, we are not much different from Israel, who, Paul tells us in Romans two, equated knowing the Law with keeping it.
In the well over half a century that I have been saved, I honestly think I have heard or read some of the greatest Bible preaching and teaching that any Christian could be exposed to. What a waste it would be if this marvelous treasure never bore any fruit in my own day-to-day life. Wisdom and knowledge should not only enlighten us, it should enliven us! In David’s case, his wise behavior was so evident and effective that it made King Saul, already jealous, actually “afraid of him” (v.15).
There is an old poem that begins, “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day…” After all, the most profound wisdom is no more than pleasing prose, if it is not utilized. I may write a truly thought provoking article about the unruly tongue, from James three; but I preach a much better sermon when I refrain from contradicting and correcting my husband in public. Believe me; when it comes to wisdom, it’s a whole easier to talk it than walk it!
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