Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's All About...Who?

"We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves...For even Christ pleased not himself..." (Romans 15:1,3)

I realize this whole idea is foreign to today's society; but there it is. "People-pleasers" are characterized as being insincere, at best, or neurotic, at worst; and, to some extent, this can be the case. But the fact remains: Christianity, as portrayed in the Bible, is anything but self-centered. And I would contend that the principle laid down in these verses in Romans, if heeded, have the power to transform our personal relationships.

Nearly all real or perceived offenses would be forgotten if our own feelings of comfort were not so important to us. But, alas, we are drawn to those people who stimulate us, entertain us, and affirm our personal worth. Granted, no one likes to be around someone who constantly criticizes or demeans you; but, on the other hand, requiring perpetual confirmation from others is just as much a sign of maladjustment, to my way of thinking. And this is exactly why some of us flit from friend to friend, by the way. When someone bores us, or hurts our feelings, we simply turn to another.

But think: How stimulating could our conversation be to the God who created the universe? And yet, He invites us to talk to Him and offers to talk to us. The Lord of Glory—the One who dwells in the company of angels—has proclaimed that He even desires our company for all eternity (Jno.17:24). And talk about reason for hurt feelings! Not only was Jesus Christ rejected by the world He came to save; but to add insult to injury, as it were, His fellowship and communion with His redeemed saints now are often sporadic and unenthusiastic. This is exactly why Paul's people-pleasing admonition here is both reasonable and legitimate: "For [or after all] even Christ pleased not himself."

Here's the thing: If Jesus could come to earth for the sole purpose of pleasing His Father and endure all the ridicule, misunderstanding, and torture, to bring us to God, surely you and I can "bear the infirmities of weak." In short, not please ourselves.

Instead of asking yourself, "What's my life all about?" try asking, "Who's my life all about?" It may be an eye-opener.

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