Friday, December 17, 2010


For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son..." (Romans 8:29)

Many years ago, when my husband and I were traveling in evangelism, we were sitting one day at the dinner table with a pastor friend and his family. While we were eating, he related a sweet story about a delightful, young man in his church, who happened to have Down's syndrome. The boy attended school with others like him and enjoyed it very much. He shared with his pastor that he had even acquired a girlfriend at school.

"Oh, that's wonderful," exclaimed our friend. "Is she pretty?"

"Oh, yes!" came the quick reply.

"What does she look like?"

"Me!" he answered, proudly.

As you know, people who have this disorder share unique facial features that are easily recognized; and to this young man, who was evidently "comfortable in his own skin," seeing himself in another especially endeared her to his heart.

You and I, who name the name of Christ, were bought (and brought) out of bondage to Satan for the distinct purpose of being "conformed to the image of [God's] dear Son." This is what our verse tells us. And God had this planned long before our world was ever created. It's part of the explanation for the previous verse. Everything that happens to those of us who love God is working for our good, because it is conforming us to the image of Christ. We are being lovingly whittled and molded into the Spiritual likeness of His dear Son. Not sharing in His Deity, but sharing in His identity, bearing the family resemblance.

One day, according to 1 John 3:2, God will be able to ask, "Son, is your Bride beautiful?" And the Son will say, "Oh, yes, without spot or wrinkle or blemish (Eph.5).

"What does she look like?"


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