“The impotent man answered him, Sir I have no man when the water is troubled to put me into the pool…Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” (John 5:7-8)
Friends are wonderful. Especially when we have a need or a problem. Scriptures that say such things as “Bear ye one another’s burdens,” and “Helping together in prayer” show that God meant for us as believers to take care of one another to the best of our abilities.
I think of the fortunate man in Mark two, with four friends who were willing to be inconvenienced and do the unconventional, in order to help him get to Jesus for healing. When was the last time a friend of yours let you down through the roof of a house on a stretcher? J But, sad to say, this man in John five was not so fortunate. There were no friends around to help him. On the contrary, he was shoved aside so that others could get into the pool of Bethesda first, in hopes of securing the healing powers of the angel that stirred its waters from time to time. But, thank God, when there was no man to help him, there was still healing from the Healer himself: the Man, Christ Jesus!
I am grateful for family and friends who encourage me, pray for me, and stand by me through the trials of this life. There have been times when words of comfort and mingling of tears meant the difference between despair and hope. But it has been a singular blessing to find that when there was no one to bear me up, the Savior Himself was there to say, “Rise…and walk.”
Cherish your friends; and better still, be a friend. Be one who is willing to go to limitless ends to help bring healing of heart and mind to a brother or sister in need. Accept the help of those God has given to ease your burden and help you overcome sin. But know this: when there is “no man”—or no woman—who will, or even can, provide the support you need, God can…and He will.
When there is “no man,” look to The Man!
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